Les voyages de Lone Sloane continuent donc ici, il s'agit du 7ieme voyage. Le Wul bannit Lone Sloane vers la Terre des hommes, celle la même qu'ils ont quittés il y as une éternité après la Grande Peur.
A la fin de l'album on peut le voir comme emporté vers son vaisseau avec son équipage.
Pourtant la volonté du Wul va s'accomplir, et Lone Sloane sera projeté dans le passé, peut être le Wul en as t il gardé un double pour l'envoyer ou il a voulu.
Le 7ième voyage se situe au deuxième millénaire. approximativement 5 milliards et 2804 ans avant le sixième voyage.
A la fin de l'album on peut le voir comme emporté vers son vaisseau avec son équipage.
Pourtant la volonté du Wul va s'accomplir, et Lone Sloane sera projeté dans le passé, peut être le Wul en as t il gardé un double pour l'envoyer ou il a voulu.
Le 7ième voyage se situe au deuxième millénaire. approximativement 5 milliards et 2804 ans avant le sixième voyage.

Le jugement du Wul sur l'humanité est sans appel . C'est sa volonté que Lone Sloane retourne d'ou il vient, hors la Terre des hommes s'est éteinte il y as des milliards d'années.
Lone Sloane connaîtras donc malgré lui une nouvelle existence terrestre dans le cycle infini des naissances et des existences karmiques, et comme l'as voulu le Wul il n'as aucun souvenir de son existence passée.
Il est de nouveau prisonnier de cette Terre que les hommes ont quitté il y as une éternité. Et il voit la Grande Peur se profiler, cette énorme implosion du Soleil qui a fauché un bon nombre d'humains partis trop tard et sous estimant la violence destructrice d'une étoile qui se meure.
Le Wul protège ainsi son secret, jamais Slone ou quiconque ne réussira a retrouver la Terre Ancienne.
Quant a Sloane il découvre un monde tel que l'as décrit le Wul, violent et corrompu. Un monde qui ne lui est pas étranger.
Sur la Terre Ancienne, la sagesse cruelle des peuples qui y vivent veux que tout crime soit puni par la mort. Ces gens ne tuent pas, ne volent pas, et ne mentent pas. Même les insultes leurs sont inconnues. Et il en est ainsi depuis aussi longtemps qu'ils se rappellent.
C'est ce monde la qui lui était étranger, ici sur la Terre des hommes c'est tout le contraire. Et pourtant Sloane ne peut pas en vouloir au Wul, il ne le renvoie en somme que vers ce qu'il connait.
Sloane, le seul parmi sans doute une multitude a avoir cherché la Terre Ancienne et qui ne l'as trouvée en fin de compte que grâce a l'aide des Rois Dieux est pris dans le cercle karmique des naissances et des réincarnations, amnésique et incapable de retrouver le chemin.
Sur cette planète la continueront de vivre sans les hommes a jamais des peuples au passés immémoriaux, et aux constructions titanesques. Somme toute le génie de Druillet a été de dépeindre un univers interdit a l'homme. Quoi de plus fascinant. Quant a comment et par qui ces visions ont été communiquées, le mystère reste entier. Sans l'aide mémoire que sont Les 6 Voyages de Lone Sloane, je n'aurais eut sans doute aucun souvenir de cette existence passée qui paradoxalement se situe a présent dans le futur.
Les Prêtres Maudits étaient au nombre de 9. Ce sont eux qui ont envoyé Iotai a la recherche de l’étincelle de vie. Tout a propos d'eux me parait obscur a présent. Il n’étaient que noirceurs sur laquelle étaient jetés des masques de plomb.
La ville intérieure était un immense dédale de constructions, ces prêtres auraient usurpé la science des constructeurs de la cité de pierre.
Ils sont fascinants a plusieurs égards. Sans doute des nécromanciens également.
The Empire of the Necromancers
Clark Ashton Smith
The legend of Mmatmuor and Sodosma shall arise only in the latter cycles of Earth, when the glad legends of the prime have been forgotten. Before the time of its telling, many epochs shall have passed away, and the seas shall have fallen in their beds, and new continents shall have come to birth. Perhaps, in that day, it will serve to beguile for a little the black weariness of a dying race, grown hopeless of all but oblivion. I tell the tale as men shall tell it in Zothique, the last continent, beneath a dim sun and sad heavens where the stars come out in terrible brightness before eventide.
Mmatmuor and Sodosma were necromancers who came from the dark isle of Naat, to practise their baleful arts in Tinarath, beyond the shrunken seas. But they did not prosper in Tinarath: for death was deemed a holy thing by the people of that gray country; and the nothingness of the tomb was not lightly to be desecrated; and the raising up of the dead by necromancy was held in abomination.
So, after a short interval, Mmatmuor and Sodosma were driven forth by the anger of the inhabitants, and were compelled to flee toward Cincor, a desert of the south, which was peopled only by the bones and mummies of a race that the pestilence had slain in former time.
The land into which they went lay drear and leprous and ashen below the huge, ember-colored sun. Its crumbling rocks and deathly solitudes of sand would have struck terror to the hearts of common men; and, since they had been thrust out in that barren place without food or sustenance, the plight of the sorcerers might well have seemed a desperate one. But, smiling secretly, with the air of conquerors who tread the approaches of a long-coveted realm, Sodosma and Mmatmuor walked steadily on into Cincor
Unbroken before them, through fields devoid of trees and grass, and across the channels of dried-up rivers, there ran the great highway by which travelers had gone formerly betweea Cincor and Tinarath. Here they met no living thing; but soon they came to the skeletons of a horse and its rider, lying full in the road, and wearing still the sumptuous harness and raiment which they had worn in the flesh. And Mmatmuor aad Sodosma paused before the piteous bones, on which no shred of corruption remained; and they smiled evilly at each other.
'The steed shall be yours,' said Mmatmuor, 'since you are a little the elder of us two, and are thus entitled to precedence; and the rider shall serve us both and be the first to acknowledge fealty to us in Cincor.'
Then, in the ashy sand by the wayside, they drew a threefold circle; and standing together at its center, they performed the abominable rites that compel the dead to arise from tranquil nothingness and obey henceforward, in all things, the dark will of the necromancer. Afterward they sprinkled a pinch of magic powder on the nostril-holes of the man and the horse; and the white bones, creaking mournfully, rose up from where they had lain and stood in readiness to serve their masters.
So, as had been agreed between them, Sodosma mounted the skeleton steed and took up the jeweled reins, and rode in an evil mockery of Death on his pale horse; while Mmatmuor trudged on beside him, leaning lightly on an ebon staff; and the skeleton of the man, with its rich raiment flapping loosely, followed behind the two like a servitor.
After a while, in the gray waste, they found the remnant of another horse and rider, which the jackals had spared and the sun had dried to the leanness of old mummies. These also they raised up from death; and Mmatmuor bestrode the withered charger; and the two magicians rode on in state, like errant emperors, with a lich and a skeleton to attend them. Other bones and charnel remnants of men and beasts, to which they came anon, were duly resurrected in like fashion; so that they gathered to themselves an everswelling train in their progress through Cincor.
Along the way, as they neared Yethlyreom, which had been the capital, they found numerous tombs and necropoli, inviolate still after many ages, and containing swathed mummies that had scarcely withered in death. All these they raised up and called from sepulchral night to do their bidding. Some they commanded to sow and till the desert fields and hoist water from the sunken wells; others they left at diverse tasks, such as the mummies had performed in life. The century-long silence was broken by the noise and tumult of myriad activities; and the lank liches of weavers toiled at their shuttles; and the corpses of plowmen followed their furrows behind carrion oxen.
Weary with their strange journey and their oft-repeated incantations, Mmatmuor and Sodosma saw before them at last, from a desert hill, the lofty spires and fair, unbroken domes of Yethlyreom, steeped in the darkening stagnant blood of ominous sunset.
'It is a goodly land,' said Mmatmuor, 'and you and I will share it between us, and hold dominion over all its dead, and be crowned as emperors on the morrow in Yethlyreom.'
'Aye,' replied Sodosma, 'for there is none living to dis pute us here; and those that we have summoned from the tomb shall move and breathe only at our dictation, and may not rebel against us.'
So, in the blood-red twilight that thickened with purple, they entered Yethlyreom and rode on among the lofty, lampless mansions, and installed themselves with their grisly retinue in that stately and abandoned palace, where the dynasty of Nimboth emperors had reigned for two thousand years with dominion over Cincor.
In the dusty golden halls, they lit the empty lamps of onyx by means of their cunning sorcery, and supped on royal viands, provided from past years, which they evoked in like manner. Ancient and imperial wines were poured for them in moonstone cups by the fleshless hands of their servitors; and they drank and feasted and revelled in fantasmagoric pomp, deferring till the morrow the resurrectiom of those who lay dead in Yethlyreom.
They rose betimes, in the dark crimson dawn, from the opulent palace-beds in which they had slept; for much remained to be done. Everywhere in that forgotten city, they went busily to and fro, working their spells on the people that had died in the last year of the pest and had lain unburied. And having accomplished this, they passed beyond Yethlyreom into that other city of high tombs and mighty mausoleums, in which lay the Nimboth emperors and the more consequential citizens and nobles of Cincor.
Here they bade their skeleton slaves to break in the sealed doors with hammers; and then, with their sinful, tyrannous incantations, they called forth the imperial mummies, even to the eldest of the dynasty, all of whom came walking stiffly, with lightless eyes, in rich swathings sewn with flame-bright jewels. And also, later, they brought forth to a semblance of life many generations of courtiers and dignitaries.
Moving in solemn pageant, with dark and haughty and hollow faces, the dead emperors and empresses of Cincor made obeisance to Mmatmuor and Sodosma, and attended them like a train of captives through all the streets of Yethlyreom. Afterward, in the immense throne-room of the palace, the necromancers mounted the high double throne, where the rightful rulers had sat with their consorts. Amid the assembled emperors, in gorgeous and funereal state, they were invested with sovereignty by the sere hands of the mummy of Hestaiyon, earliest of the Nimboth line, who had ruled in half-mythic years. Then all the descendants of Hestaiyon, crowding the room in a great throng, acclaimed with toneless, echo-like voices the dominion of Mmatmuor and Sodosma.
Thus did the outcast necromancers find for themselves an empire and a subject people in the desolate, barren land where the men of Tinarath had driven them forth to perish. Reignhg supreme over all the dead of Cincor, by virtue of their malign magic, they exercised a baleful despotism. Tribute was borne to them by fleshless porters from outlying realms; and plague-eaten corpses, and tall mummies scented with mortuary balsams, went to and fro upon their errands in Yethlyreom, or heaped before their greedy eyes, fmm inexhaustible vaults, the cobweb-blackened gold and dusty gems of antique time.
Dead laborers made their palace-gardens to bloom with long-perished flowers; liches and skeletons toiled for them in the mines, or reared superb, fantastic towers to the dying sun. Chamberlains and princes of old time were their cupbearers, and stringed instruments were plucked for their delight by the slim hands of empresses with golden hair that had come forth untarnished from the night of the tomb. Those that were fairest, whom the plague and the worm had not ravaged overmuch, they took for their lemans and made to serve their necrophilic lust.
In all things, the people of Cincor performed the actions of life at the will of Mmatmuor and Sodosma. They spoke, they moved, they ate and drank as in life. They heard and saw and felt with a similitude of the senses that had been theirs before death; but their brains were enthralled by a dreadful necromancy. They recalled but dimly their former existence; and the state to which they had been summoned was empty and troublous and shadow-like. Their blood ran chill and sluggish, mingled with water of Lethe; and the vapors of Lethe clouded their eyes.
Dumbly they obeyed the dictates of their tyrannous lords, without rebellion or protest, but filled with a vague, illimitable weariness such as the dead must know, when having drunk of eternal sleep, they are called back once more to the bitterness of mortal being. They knew no passion or desire. or delight, only the black languor of their awakening from Lethe, and a gray, ceaseless longing to return to that interrupted slumber.
Dans ces cavernes ou s'ouvrent des gouffres sur l'infini vit un métal similaire au mercure en tous points, c'est l'or vivant. Cet or est maudit il est la source de toutes les avidités, il a cette propriété de transformer tout ce qu'il touche en or. C'est cet or vivant qui était la quête de Shonga et sa perte.
There seems to be continuum in space and time not only a physical one but also in the fabric of history and that there are periods of time and events in time that are repetitive.
For example the end of an era is often a period of turmoil and change, be it the most commonly used era 2016 years in my estimate or the Aztec era 13 000 years. Which puts in context the conceptions of time by different civilisations. Obviously those with the longuest era have more perspective of time. It is quite fascinating how these two conceptions of time differ.
We happen to be at the crossroad of the end of both. Which signals a quantitative leap for Mankind that into not one but two different eras.
The continuum in history happens when the conjunction of historical elements are conducive to the same situation.
The continuum is by no means bound to a physical location and can happen from elsewhere if the conditions are right.
That itself constitutes an universal fabric of conditions that influe on one another where we are bound to see the same situation arise if the elements that led to its materialization in the first place are reunited again, in another timeframe or the same one wherever it may be in the universe.
November 2016
If you try, you can see the light in everything that has light. There is nothing beyond darkness but more of it and nothing beyond light but darkness. If you try, you can see the light in everything that has light. It makes life all the more worthwhile.
Les voyageurs ne sont pas toujours ceux a qui on s'attends.