Masters of Destiny
According to philosophy destiny or fate is something which cannot be changed for it is governed by a supreme power and so each of our destinies is predetermined or fixed which is more of a concept of belief of the universe. Philosophy says that in many cultures destiny can be studied by fortune tellers, shaman, prophets, sibyls or seers. In some other culture arrows were tossed to read destiny, from Thrace to pagan Mecca. Destiny is something which is fixed and events taking place in our life is accordingly based on that particular fixed timeline and the study of getting this knowledge is divination. But often this concept is misunderstood as fortune telling which may be soothing initially but when the actual problem arises this philosophy may sound fatal which does not square with truth and reality.
Destiny and Philosophy. All those who do not believe in themselves will resign their fate to the supreme power for the cause of events happening in their life instead of fighting it with courage and responsibility. The Universal law of Harmony, Karma defines that for every action there is an appropriate reaction and that no one can escape from it but have to face the consequences. But this doesn't that we can never come out of this, for through right attitude and right effort we can surely overcome it.
The philosophy of fatalism states that all the events happening in our life fall in place according to a predetermined pattern and which can never be changed. Epicurus and Zeno in Stoics are still remembered as fatalists. St. Augustine and Calvin, the famous Christians that the destiny of each one of us is fixed well in advance and none of us have the right to scrutinize it. Shakespeare in his plays like Hamlet and Julius Caesar has explained two different opposite features of the fatalistic philosophy where in the former he say there is a divinity that shapes our destiny whereas in the latter he confers each one of us are masters of our destiny for no stars or supreme power is responsible for it. An example of a passive fatalistic outlook is given by the famous Kannada poet, Dr. D. V. Gundappa where he compares man to a horse yoked to a cart and thus the horse to go in the direction where the driver wants. Here man is compared to the horse and the driver to God.
The relationship between life and death as the central problem of philosophy is been handled very well by Arthur Schopenhauer who was one of the few notable thinkers of his time. He says that the world is represented by the way the people build it and then ideas and images are imposed on it considering it under the fact of objective reality and thus rejecting the presentation of the world by itself. We should understand that there is some true concept of reality in explaining the factors of life and death. But however Schopenhauer argues that most of us respond to the representations rather than the reality itself which are mainly because of language and societal custom. He says that the basic desire of every human is the will to live. This will to live also means living fate and choice of overrunning the fate same, by means of the Art, Morality and the Ascesis.
Man is unique among all the living beings of the universe because of his principle of mind. It is this principle which makes him unique for he is solely responsible for all his deeds. Man has to be discriminate in whatever he is doing for he has to make moral choices in choosing the right or the wrong thing to proceed with. Once he has decided to proceed his journey in the direction he has opted for, then he becomes responsible for the consequences and have to face it whether it is sorrow or happiness. This is what is called as Karma and in this journey to our destiny we also learn the lessons of life.
So each one of us is destined for a particular thing in our life which is not decided by any external factor but only by us either in this life or the previous. But we have the freedom to choose one way or the other every moment. From this lesson of life we learn how to progress positively in our life by acting the right way. Mankind is nothing but held by brotherhood and similarly individual Karma is bound by collective Karma. Schopenhauer theory of "will to live" says that this will to power as a strong element for adaptation or survival in a better way which applies to all living things. This concept was taken further still, and transformed the idea of matter as centers of force into matter as centers of will to power as mankind's destiny to face with amor fati.
Or that simply believing in God's destiny for you fulfills it.
Or that simply believing in God's destiny for you fulfills it.
We shall then make of you what We wish
For you did not obey His command
Neither can you escape His decree
Neither can you escape Our Hands
We are Masters of your end
Our dominion knows no domain
We are Masters of your end
Our dominion knows no domain
Having forfeited God now all is vain
The Necromancer Kings Stelae, 119 000 BC
I think I used to make props, artefacts such as this one. I used to collect them from my travels and put them in vaults, strange alien artefact that inspire me to produce some of my own.
Maybe I even ventured into making real fakes, original stuff. Fool carbon datation by finding some appropriate layer of stone. Plant them maybe, write a history of my own. Why the fuck not, history is what you make it. This here is a really cool realisation by Joe Broers.

Geometry has a dimension that is always worth considering, if you can. 2nd June 2015.

Having explored Druillet's fascinating universes, for they are not one but many, I would like to offer a heartfelt apology to those of us, the precious few, that had the chance of discovering his work in the Six Voyages of Lone Sloane, and surely kept it to themselves like myself, alike a very personal treasure.
Proposing now that it be shared with a greater number in film, that treasure which many like me without a doubt preffer'd to keep to themselves. Those visions impossible to describe with words that render anyone astuned and richer.
Oh how would we have preffer'd all of us, fanatics of Druillet to keep his Voyages to us and us alone. Custodians of a treasure that we hate to let go. And that without a doubt, without a doubt, set us asunder.